Applications Solutions

Storage Tank Inspection and Assessment

6One Engineering offers a comprehensive storage tank assessment solution. From API 653 or EEMUA 159 in-service / out-of-service inspections and in-service / out-of-service non-destructive testing, to risk-based inspection and fitness-for-service assessment. We'll take care of it all, or pick just the service(s) you require. In-service tank floor scanning? We've got a tool for that.

We can cover the inspection and assessment of associated and interconnecting pipework. Our integrated approach to piping inspection is based on non-intrusive guided wave testing, with UT characterisation of indications and screening fitness-for-service assessments. See our Pipelines page for more details.


In-service inspection, testing and assessment services:

  • API 653 or EEMUA 159 in-service inspections
  • Risk-based inspection implementation for storage tanks and associated pipework. A major benefit of RBI for terminals is prioritising and scheduling tanks for inspection and maintenance based on risk.
  • Non-destructive testing - we'll work with your NDT contractor(s), or we can mobilise our own team(s)
  • Where damage is identified during inspections, we perform fitness-for-service assessments to the relevant standards, e.g. API 579-1/ASME FFS-1

In-service inspection of storage tank bottoms using specially designed tethered crawlers. The in-tank crawlers are designed to deal with sludge, and as an added benefit, sludge is removed during testing. Where 100% coverage is not possible, extreme value analysis can be used to predict the condition of the tank bottom. These non-destructive and assessment tools provide data to justify deviating from prescriptive out-of-service inspection and maintenance intervals, where these are restricted by the unknown condition of the tank bottom.


Out-of-service inspection, testing and assessment services:

  • API 653 or EEMUA 159 out-of-service inspections
  • NDT including UT thickness measuerements, corrosion mapping, crack detection and sizing, vacuum box leak testing, etc.
  • FFS screening and advanced assessments for damage identified during inspection.

With our integrated approach to NDT and assessment, screening FFS assessments are performed during the same shift as the damage is identified. Where damage fails the screening assessment, our NDT teams will collect the more detailed NDT data required for higher level assessment. We aim to reduce the lead time to present the data required for making run/repair/re-rate/replace decisions.

Useful references

  • 6One Engineering's handy storage tank integrity flowchart. Click here to download.
  • The UK HSE's SPC/Tech/Gen/35 on atmospheric storage tank integrity. Click here to view on the HSE website.

Drop us a line to find out more and to discuss how we can support you. Use the online form on our Contact page, or email us.